How to install Gurbani Bodh 1.6.0 apk for bluestacks

Gurbani Bodh.apk 1.6.0
Name: Gurbani Bodh.apk
Version: 1.6.0
Size: 1.3 Mb

Gurbani Bodh Screen Preview

How to get Gurbani Bodh lastet apk for bluestacks
How to install Gurbani Bodh 1.6.0 unlimited apk for android
How to mod Gurbani Bodh 1.6.0 unlimited apk for bluestacks

How to install Gurbani Bodh apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

Gurbani Bodh Details

While reading Gurbani, did you ever wonder, what's the meaning of a word in that Gurbani Tuk. If yes, this app is definitely for you. This app would be helpful to you in understanding the meaning of different words in Gurbani and thus helpful in understanding the meaning of complete tuk. Banis currently included are Japji Saheb, Asa Di Vaar, Salok M9, Salok Kabeer Ji, Salok Fareed Ji and some Random shabads.
To make this more interesting, the app is designed as a quiz. It will display a Gurbani Tuk and ask you meaning of a word in the Tuk with 4 options to choose from. After every question, it explains the meaning of the word and the complete Gurbani Tuk in English and Punjabi. Every correct answer adds to your score. Each quiz asks 10 questions. At the end of each quiz, it shows all the questions asked in quiz along with their English and Punjabi meanings for you to refer again to all the questions.
You can play as many times as you want. Quiz picks up random questions. You can also enable a setting so that questions are rather asked in sequence.
Currently, this app is being released with a set of 6 banis like Japji Saheb, Asa Di Vaar, Salok M:9 etc. However, work is already in progress to add many more questions. But we would love to hear feedback, be it positive or negative. Even if you did not like this app, leave a feedback for us to improve where we are lacking.
★Supported Devices★
We have tested this app on Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7, Samsung S3, Samsung Galaxy Tab3 and LG Optimus1. On larger screens, like 10" or more, the application would work but since the application is designed majorly for current phone screens, you might see empty spaces on 10" screens.
On phones with smaller screen resolutions, you may have to scroll to see all 4 options or English / Punjabi explanation on the Answer page. If application is not working correctly on any Android device, please let us know with as much details as you can for us to fix those.
To be able to better manage the flow of quiz, the Android's back button has been disabled for this application. You can use the buttons on the top of the screen to navigate.

Keywords: Gurbani, Shabad, Arth, Bani, Meaning, Asa Di Vaar, Japji Sahib, Nitnem, Salok Mahla 9, Steek, Sikh, Gursikh, Bodh, Slok, Salok, Kabir, Kabeer, Fareed

What's new in Gurbani Bodh 1.6.0

- Added new Bani - Baba Fareed ji
- Changes to Home screen - Now you can start quiz directly from home screen, removed banis from side menu.
- Few data corrections
Gurbani Bodh | 429 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.7

Download Gurbani Bodh 1.6.0 unlimited APK

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How to mod Gurbani Bodh 1.6.0 apk
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