Version: 1.5
Size: 1.8 Mb
MT-Patients Screenshots
How to install MT-Patients apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
MT-Patients Description
Medico Tantra - Patient application is cloud connected smart device application solution which connects all medical fraternity from doctors, patients, laboratories, clinics and organization for their critical and scheduled work and reminders.Features:
* Manages critical medical records on the cloud and Gives access to your doctors for medical evaluations.
* No need to call doctor for appointments. Do it with just one click.
* Appointments Confirmation.
* Information of laboratory instantly from doctor over your device along with medical test to be performed. Similarly, even laboratory will get it right at the same time. Just go there and give those required medical tests.
* Now you don’t need to go to Laboratory to collect those medical test reports. You will have it on your smart device and so even your doctor too. This will save time of yours and doctors to serve you better in time. It will save lots of time.
* Add your family members and connect them to your doctors.
* Communicate with your doctors.
* Check doctor’s availability in the clinic before you visit them. Save lots of time when you are not well.
* Auto reminder to you for those critical medical appointments.
* Search doctors in your city, state and country. Take appointments through just a click.
* Use the technology to for those critical times of your life to get connected with your doctor.
What's new in MT-Patients 1.5
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