How to download French Language Teacher lastet apk for bluestacks

French Language Teacher.apk 1.1.6
Name: French Language Teacher.apk
ID: com.tenoir.langteacher_fren
Version: 1.1.6
Size: 33 Mb

French Language Teacher Screenshots

How to install French Language Teacher 1.1.6 apk for bluestacks
How to get French Language Teacher 1.1.6 mod apk for android
How to download French Language Teacher patch 1.1.6 apk for bluestacks

How to install French Language Teacher apk for android

- For Android 4.0 or higher:
Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.

French Language Teacher Details

Language Teacher is a powerful application to help you to learn French or English efficiently and easily. With the Language Teacher you do not concentrate on individual words. Instead, you see and hear them in action! You will be able to read, speak and understand French in weeks!
See how it works (for German Version):
Verb Conjugator
Language Teacher contains conjugations of more than 6000 French and English verbs in every language! See the verb conjugations in the respective tenses including conditional, subjunctive, irregular, continuous forms and more.
Single-Tap Word Translation
With Language Teacher you can read any articles you find on the internet and instantly see the translations with just a single tap on a word! Go to your favorite web browser, find an article you want to read and share that article with the Language Teacher application. Language Teacher downloads it and extracts the text contents so you can read the text comfortably and learn the language.
Translation of Entire Sentences
Optionally, Language Teacher is able to translate multiple words or entire sentences! Switch to the 'Multiple Words Mode', double-tap on a sentence and you will instantly see a translation and hear the pronunciation. For this functionality you need to have an account at the Microsoft Azure (FREE up to 2 000 000 characters / month) or at the Google Cloud Services (to access the Google Translator API Service). Please refer to the help contents how to quickly register an account.
French <> English Offline Bidirectional Dictionary
Language Teacher contains an offline French - English bidirectional dictionary which enables you to quickly find a translation for a word you hear or see somewhere. You can save that word to a list of your favorite words. You can hear the pronunciation of the given word as well. We suggest you to install Google Text to Speech for the best results.
External Clipboard Translation
Language Teacher allows you to translate a word even if you are in another application. Just enable the 'Clipboard Translation' in the dictionary, select the right translation direction and leave the Language Teacher running in the background. Go to your favorite browser, open an article, select a word you want to translate and copy it to the clipboard. Language Teacher will instantly display you a pop-up window with a translation. You need not to leave the browser. It's that simple :)
Your Favorite Lists of Words
Language Teacher enables you to save any words you want to learn to your personal favorite list of words which are important to you. This is like your own personal dictonary.
I am sure Language Teacher will help you to learn foreign languages quickly and effectively. This version is designed for phones.

What's new in French Language Teacher 1.1.6

+ bug fixes
French Language Teacher | 1 Reviewers | | Rating: 5

Download French Language Teacher lastet APK

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How to install French Language Teacher 1.1.6 apk for pc
How to use French Language Teacher unlimited apk
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How to get French Language Teacher lastet apk

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